Family farmers, Innovation and Markets
Executive Summary
The project aims to add value to innovative food production and distribution strategies generated by family farmers. The purpose is to understand and visiblize the productive and commercial innovations of family farmers and consumers in order to enhance them and contribute to the discussion and design of appropriate public policies for their scaling in Argentina, Bolivia and Spain.
Different activities (comparative study, a seminar and workshops) will be developed in order to analyze the sustainability and replication possibilities of each case study. These studies allow us to generate new knowledge about innovation processes and the common elements that facilitate the processes of adding value and access to markets. The project also aims to develop methodological proposals and technical documents for the strengthening and multiplication of these experiences. Within this framework, different platforms will be developed for the dissemination of innovations aimed at raising awareness among different actors, including political decision-makers, heads of science and technology institutions, and farmer organizations.
In addition, postgraduate courses about family farming and value-added markets will be organized in Argentina, Bolivia and Spain.
The technological solution
Innovative marketing and value-added experiences implemented by family farmers were studied (14). Qualitative and participatory methodologies were applied. In total, 282 open interviews were conducted with producers, consumers and technicians, 16 focus groups and workshops to analyze experiences, and there were 22 instances of observations at fairs and markets. The comparative analysis of the above will allow identification of the common elements that make innovations sustainable.
Studies show the importance of collective and professionalized practices, the use of ICTs, the efficiency of inclusive territorial governance models and the support of various state agencies, the role of collaborative social networks and the coordination with conscious consumers.
- Methodological design for innovative marketing strategies study.
- 11 business and value-added innovation case studies carried out
- 4 participatory video workshops, 4 videos made with producers.
- 9 scientific articles (six published, 2 in edition, 1 in evaluation), 2 dissemination articles, 31 conference presentations, 3 posters and 2 chapters in books.
- 79 graduate students participated in seminars, field work or master's thesis.
- Dissemination: 3 seminars, 2 technical workshops, 7 webinars (1,260 registered participants, 60% women), 19 videos, 14 talks, 2 conferences and 4 undergraduate and graduate courses
- Projects and initiatives: 10 research projects, 6 extension projects, 2 development projects in progress. 6 initiatives under evaluation.
- 50 virtual stores in Argentina and Bolivia under construction.
- Direct beneficiaries: more than 3,000 family farmers
- Indirect beneficiaries: more than 250,000 people.
Policy makers, researchers and technicians will increase their knowledge and networks in issues like commercial innovation and value-added family farming.
In the context of COVID-19, the environment benefits from short food chains which create new conscious and environmental friendly producers and consumer patterns.
Sustainable Development Goals

Project news
Participating Organizations
- Fundación ArgenINTA (ARGENINTA) - Argentina
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Argentina
- Fundación para el Desarrollo del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (FUNDESNAP) - Bolivia
- Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía (IEGD) - España
- Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMDP) - Argentina
- Universidad Naciona de La Plata (UNLP) - Argentina
- Universidad Nacional de Misiones (UNM) - Argentina
- Asociacion de Organizaciones de Productores Ecologicos de Bolivia (AOPEB) - Bolivia
- Centro de Investigación Agroecología Universidad Cochabamba (AGRUCO) - Bolivia
- La Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) - España