
Dorrego Carlón


Ph.D. in Geography at Madrid's Complutense University (Thesis: “Women's role in Production Systems based on Agroecological Principles in Bolivia”). International Master's Degree in Rural-Local Development from Madrid´s Politécnica University (UPM) and the INFODAL Foundation. Graduated with honors in Agronomic Engineering at the UPM (Arce Foundation Award).

Independent consultant-researcher in rural-local development, agroecology, human geography, and gender studies, with more than ten years of experience in management and implementation of development and research projects for several development organizations in Latin America and Spain.

Currently, I collaborate as a consultant with the Collaborative Program for the Regional Fund for Farming Technology. ATN/RF16108-RG. “Household producers, Innovation and Markets”. ArgenINTA Foundation; with the Observatorio para una Cultura del Territorio OCT (Spain) and with the Collaborative Crop Research Program in Crops (CCRP) funded by the McKnigth Foundation, through some projects: Leisa revista de agroecología, Project “Schools and Seeds" at the Arid Zone Research Center CIZA (acronym in Spanish) of the UNALM (Peru) and “The Research and Training Program in Andean agroecological systems” promoted by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO.

Finally, I am a guest professor at the Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina UNALM (Peru), and a member of the CLACSO Working Groups: “Workers and life reproduction” and “Political Agroecology” and also of the Alliance of Women in Agroecology AMA-AWA.

Fellow researchers

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)