


Licensed Professional in Agronomy with a Specialization Profile in organic production, certification and marketing. I participated in Different Projects at Technical Level, as Operational Coordinator in the Association of Organizations of Ecological Producers of Bolivia AOPEB, technical consultant in production and commercialization of products with added value of the AUP in FAO, responsible for the project “strengthening of ecological production in Bolivia "I" implementation, production, technical assistance in the production of bio-inputs and commercialization of the bio-inputs plant. Former JICA fellow in the course of methodologies for the extension of sustainable conservation agriculture for Latin America, with experience in supervision and development of work teams, preparation and execution of Strategic Plans, Business Plans, also with experience in participation in Fairs, Business Rounds and Others.

Fellow researchers

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)