Extraordinary Call
Other agencies:
USD 200.000
Counterpart Amount:
USD 200.285
Execution time
42 Months
Total Amount:
USD 400.285
Participating countries:
Colombia Colombia Honduras Honduras
Funding source:
Other agencies 50% Counterpart Amount 50%

Executive Summary

The project was implemented in Popayán, Colombia and in the Dry Corridor of Honduras with networks made up of NGOs, CIAT and farmers working together on improving adaptation to climate change. Practices and facilitation tools were tested, such as working with focus groups, simulation of the effect of innovations on food security, resilience and GHG emissions, and on-farm testing of technologies. Innovations tested by 30 producers per site increased food availability by more than 10% and resilience by 40% in response to orchards, diversification and greater water access, and decreased GHG emissions by 30% with compost and reduced use of fertilizers. The number of farmers who understand climate change increased by more than 30%. 90% of the farmers adopted the practices. With additional funds from Agropolis and CCAFS, ten technologies were validated (harvest and storage of rainwater, water pump, orchards, compost, solar dryer, and improved varieties of sorghum, corn, beans and avocado) and a methodological manual with indicators and tools to analyze areas of study, define objectives, prioritize technologies, evaluate the change of knowledge of producers and analyze the trade-offs between production, adaptation and mitigation  was produced. The methodology is used by CCAFS in its 36 study sites worldwide. Five technicians, with master’s and doctorate levels were trained on innovation platforms.


A methodology for the development, operation and monitoring of innovation platforms for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change and the reduction of GHG emissions was validated with the participation of local network members. It includes indicators of the articulation between actors, the increase of farmers’ knowledge about climate change and the trade-offs between production, adaptation and mitigation. The methodology developed, described in a manual, will facilitate collaboration between farmers and researchers to promote, through innovation, sustainable and resilient agriculture adapted to climate variability at the local level. Some results of simulation and testing of technologies in farms are: 

  • 30% more producers with a good understanding of climate change 
  • 10% more supply of food locally produced by participants 
  • 40% increase in resilience in participating farms 
  • 30% reduction of GHG emissions in participating farms 
  • 90% of participants adopted technologies 

The methodology has already been adopted by the CGIAR CCAFS program for its application in its 36 study sites in Latin America, Africa and Asia.


The direct beneficiaries were 450 farmers participating in the different activities and other actors of the NGOs and member institutions of the local network with whom the project collaborated. The benefits are summarized in the methodology for the operation of innovation platforms, technologies validated on producer farms and the training of actors on concepts related to climate change, adaptation and mitigation. A multiplier effect is expected due to the dissemination of the methodology developed and the adoption of innovations. The fact that CCAFS is using the methodology in more than 30 research sites in several regions of the globe is an important factor that will contribute to the future impact.

Sustainable Development Goals

No poverty Zero Hunger Responsible consumption and production Climate action

Main donors

Participating Organizations

  • International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) - Colombia
  • MADR - Colombia
  • SAG - Honduras

Graphics and data

Financing by country (in USD)
FONTAGRO Amount Other agencies Counterpart Amount

Geolocated Map


Project leader France

Nadine Andrieu


Ana Lizeth Dunnaway


Armando Bustillos


Andrew Jarvis


Jeimar Tapasco


Marlon Duron

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)