By Comunicaciones


Message from the Executive SeCRETARY

Dear Friends,

This has been another productive year for FONTAGRO. It is also a very special moment as I am completing my second and last period as Executive Secretary. The past seven years have been very rewarding, both professionally and personally.  Thanks to the efforts of a wonderful team, we were able to accomplish the reengineering of FONTAGRO and achieve its evolution towards becoming a unique cooperation mechanism for the innovation of family agriculture. I would like to thank all people that have made it possible. The FONTAGRO Board for their trust. The sponsors for their support. The researchers for their efforts to achieve projects’ objectives. My colleagues at the Secretariat for their invaluable efforts to achieve our renewed vision and mission. My predecessor in the Secretariat for his generous advice and support.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish much success to my successor in the Secretariat.  I am convinced that with her excellent qualities she will lead FONTAGRO to a higher level. Let me wish you Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year.

God bless you!

Hugo Li Pun, PhD

Executive Secretary