
García Romera

Olive dry residue Mycorrhizal symbiosis Bioremediation aromatic hydrocarbon heavy metals saprobic fungi


Scientific career

I began my scientific career in the Department of Soil Microbiology and Symbiotic Systems at the Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ)(CSIC) in Granada in 1987 on a predoctoral felowship from the Junta de Andalucía. After obtaining my doctorate in October 1990, I took up a post-doctoral position at the University of Edinburgh. This two years period of research was supported by a grant, from the Ministry of Education (Fleming) and by another from the European Union (Eclair). In 1994, I returned to EEZ on a doctoral contract and later, I became an Associate Scientific in 1997 and, finally, a Scientific Research in 2006.

Main lines of research:

Final objetive: Improvement the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiotic association inordder to optimize plant nutrition.

1) Study of the penetration and develpment mechanisms of arbuscular fungi in plant roots with particular attention devoted to the involvement of lytic enzymes in breaking plant cell walls.

2) Study of the relatonship between arbuscular fungi and other soil microorganisms, particularly saprobic fungi, in order to alleviate abiotic stresses such as heavy metals.

Final objetive: use of arbuscular and saprobic fungi to transform olive mill waste into organic fertilizers.

1) The use of saprobic fungi, which are capable of degrading phytotoxic compounds and enhance mycorrhization, and arbuscular fungi which generate resistance to biotic stresses, in order to valorize agricultural waste from the olive oil industry.

2) The use of these microorganisms in the bioremediation of heavy metals and aromatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soils.

3) The use of olive mill waste transformed by saprobic fungi in soil decontamination and for conserving soil biodiversity.

Quality indicators of scientifc production

Numer of sexenios: 5 (last evaluated 2016)

Number of quinquenios: 6 (las evaluated 2018)

Number of doctoral theses (last 10 year): 4

Total citation: 1628

Documents by author: 94

Co-author: 107

Average citation/years (last 5 years): 125

Total documents Q1: 50

H: 25

Fellow researchers


Alicia Margarita Godeas

microbiology saprotrophic soil fungi and root symbiotic fungi biodiversity interactions between microorganisms green technologies inoculation technology for sustainable agricultural production seed coating phytoremediation

María Luisa Izaguirre-Mayoral

Agriculture Genetic improvement Pests y Diseases

Adalgisa Scotti

environmental engineering environmental biotechnology circular economy bioremediation
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)