

Bioeconomy Phosphor Biostimulants PGPB composting soil health Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture


Ph.D. Research Associate of the Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA). Microbiologist (2009) with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Plant Technology) (2011) from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and a PhD in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) (2015) from the “Luiz de Queiroz” Higher School of Agriculture ”, University of São Paulo. He is currently the president of the Latin American Association of Rhizobiology (ALAR) and member of the scientific committee in the soil area of ??PORKCOLOMBIA-National Fund for Pig Farming. He develops research and transfer projects in the area of ??soil-microorganism-plant-environment interaction, specifically seeking to improve the efficiency of fertilization and modulate the response of crops to abiotic stress. He has experience in the use of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) in crops of economic interest under conditions of environmental stress, and in the use of organic waste in agriculture, using techniques such as composting. His objective is to improve the sustainability and competitiveness of Agriculture in Colombia using soil microbiology as an axis of innovation.

Fellow researchers


Alexandra Stoll

Applied microbiologia PGPR microbial ecology plant-bacteria interaction Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Federico Battistoni

PGPR endophytes Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Tania Taurian

Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Federico Rivas Franco

Biocontrol Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Máximo Gonzalez

PGPR Microbial ecology plant genetics bioinformatics Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Fabiana Pezzani

Mycorrhiza Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture
New Zealand

Trevor Jackson

biocontrol entomology insect pathogens plant health Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture
New Zealand

Travis Glare

biocontrol plant health genetics entomology Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Williams Arancibia

PGPR agronomy horticulture Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture

Raul Platero

PGPR Bio-inputs Capacity building Family agriculture
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)