Were found 57 initiatives and / or projects
following the criteria of your search

Extraordinary Call 2024 · RG-T4648

New Horizons in AgTech: Scaling innovation in pastoral systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

This project aims to maximize the harvest of forage produced on farms, thus contributing to improving the self-sufficiency and the economic and environmental sustainability of pastoral systems. This results in lower costs, greater resilience to climate variability, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation. In both tropical areas like Costa Rica and subtropical and temperate zones l...

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Extraordinary Call 2024 · RG-T4646

Integration of production systems as a strategy for climate change mitigation and adaptation

The worldwide demand for food is expected to grow over 70% by 2050, with a particular need for animal protein supply, which must be satisfied by increasing agricultural production. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is considered a privileged region as it has significant natural land resources, a relatively low population density, and a high potential for increasing agricultural production. How...

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Extraordinary Call 2024 · RG-T4650

Climate-resilient wheat

Globally, the advance of climate change poses one of the greatest challenges for agriculture and society in the coming decades, even more in countries such as Argentina and Uruguay, where wheat production supplies global demand and is critical for both food security and local economies. The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as droughts and heatwaves, require crop ad...

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Call for Proposals 2023 · ATN/RF-21247-RG

Multifunctional landscapes in extensive agroecosystems

In Argentina and Uruguay, agriculture is an important economic pillar due to its exceptional production levels, which meet the population's needs and generate significant income. However, the expansion of agriculture, driven by technological advances, climate change phenomena, and market conditions, has harmed the environment. In both countries, agricultural practices are associated with excessive...

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Seed fund 2022 · ATN/RF-19885-RG

Seed Fund

Since 2015, FONTAGRO has been promoting the mobilization of resources for the development of new scientific knowledge, the advancement of technologies, and innovations to support the transformation of agri-food systems in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. The FONTAGRO Board of Directors considered it necessary to create a technical cooperation for the allocation of funding aimed at facilita...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · ATN/RF-20631-RG

Online crop management support platform

Agricultural systems globally, and especially in Latin America, must sustainably increase crop production (60%) and consider the possible effects of climate change (CC). This has driven the need for sustainable intensification of agriculture. Farmers must produce more with the same amount of land and using fewer inputs. This transition is both possible and necessary for food security. However, dig...

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Extraordinary Call 2022 · ATN/RF-20635-RG

Network of resilient farms with sustainable forest management

The Gran Chaco Americano is the largest dry tropical forest region in the world, spanning across Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia primarily. Currently, it is a global hotspot for deforestation and land-use change for agriculture and livestock farming. This process is responsible for the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, endangering the resilience of agricultural systems to the effects o...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · ATN/RF-20643-RG

Platform for the transfer and efficient use of biologicals on Latin American farms

There is an urgent need for the implementation and development of more sustainable agricultural technologies. The use of bioinoculants (biofertilizers, biopesticides and biocontrollers) based on beneficial microbes which can promote plant growth and also plant protection is a promising technology that can be improved in efficacy, adoption and commercial registration for its use. This proposal foc...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · GMH-1732

Satellite tool to strengthen capacities for monitoring, reporting and verification of methane emissions in Latin American ecosystems.

Given the importance of quantifying methane (CH4) emissions from rice paddies in national inventories and the increasing investment in mitigation technologies, there is significant value in developing verification technologies that can be applied at regional or national scales. It is currently possible to monitor CH4 content using satellite sensors. An example of such a sensor is the Sentinel-5 P...

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Joint proyects 2021 · ATN/RF-19787-RG

Satellite monitoring of quantity and quality of available biomass in pastoral livestock systems

Pastoral livestock production contributes 46% of GDP and is key to LAC's food and social security. Currently, pastoral bovine production systems face the challenge of increasing their profitability by reducing their environmental impact, since high costs and a growing concern about their contribution to global warming threaten their development. Knowing the quantity and quality of available biomas...

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Initiatives in progress

2023 Call - Call for Proposals

"Science, technology and innovation to make agriculture and food security more sustainable and resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Status: Closed
2022 Call - Extraordinary Call

“Innovations to improve the sustainability and resilience of farms to the impact of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Status: Closed
2021 Call - Call for Proposals

Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2020 - Call for Proposals

Innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change

Status: Closed
Call 2019 AgTech - Call for Proposals

From Science to Impact: Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Agtechs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2019 Productivity - Call for Proposals

Increase in Productivity in Family Agriculture with Sustainability, Inclusion and Profitability

Status: Closed
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)