Our team of researchers participated in the city of Neiva in the XX Colombian Congress of Soil Science, developed last October, where advances in the work being developed under the project were presented.

This congress was held by the Colombian Soil Science Society, under the focus of "Sustainable Soil Management: Functionality of ecosystem services and Food Security"
One of the objectives or scopes of this congress was to disseminate, by different means, the knowledge of the country's soils among the Colombian population in order to create an attitude of conservation in the use of soils and the importance and scope of their study.
The papers selected and presented on October 22, 2022 were:
- Zinc oxide nanoparticles and their effect on intensive forage production, where the effect of adding zinc oxide nanoparticles on fertilization efficiency, biomass production, nutritional quality and greenhouse gas emissions is evaluated.
- Efficiency in the use of nutrients based on fertilization levels, in order to determine the effect on recovery efficiency, agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency and the partial productivity factor.
- Effect of the fertilization and rotation of pastures on carbon capture and greenhouse gasses, to evaluate the bromatological characteristics of pastures.