Last Friday, August 19, a working meeting took place at the EEA Quimilí, within the framework of the FONTAGRO Project, to coordinate advances at the level of the Experimental Station

August 26, 2022
Last Friday, August 19, a working meeting took place at the EEA Quimilí, within the framework of the FONTAGRO Project, to coordinate advances at the level of our Experimental Station, in relation to the management of the groups of producers formed in the territory of East Santiago del Estero.
Currently, in the Quimilí Experimental Station, there are a total of 8 groups of producers located in the departments Copo, Alberdi, Moreno, Juan Felipe Ibarra and General Taboada, with some 12 pilot sites having been selected.
Regarding the FONTAGRO project, Dr. Radrizzanni, who is the international coordinator, commented that “this is a project that began last year in conjunction with three countries - Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina -, to improve cattle productivity in the South American Chaco. It is a fund in which INTA participates in Argentina, to support family cattle producers, who have around 100 heads in their herds. What we do is support them with small funds so they can make an investment in a pilot site, and in this way they can incorporate some new practice or technology, which could be for improving forage production, the sanitary management conditions of their rodeos, or enhancing their infrastructure. All this in a site chosen by the producers of the group, to carry out the practice. In that same pilot site we are going to evaluate the technology that is implemented, such as the purchase of seeds to establish a pasture and evaluate what results it had in terms of increased forage and livestock productivity, supporting the producers of the group in activities training"
At the meeting, the objectives pursued by each group regarding the use of funds in the pilot sites were agreed, defining some indicators that allow evaluating the practices and technologies applied, while defining the main investments in each case.
With regard to the problems identified and that need to be addressed from the FONTAGRO program, Dr. Radrizzanni specified that “feed is the most demanded issue in most cases, - the forage supply-; in other cases they want to improve the facilities to work with the animals - basically pens -, in other places they want to improve the water supply system for the animals to drink, these being some of the issues in which the producers have decided to invest the funds.”
The meeting was attended by Alejandro Radrizzanni, Pablo Usandivaras and Héctor Lipshitz, representing FONTAGRO, for the EEA Quimilí, Raúl Willi, Úrsula Wolf, Javier Reinaldi, and Diego Gabriel Salas, in addition to the private advisors, Valentín Willi and Hugo Mansilla, with the function of group advisers.
For more information:
Gustavo Gil
Ursula Wolf
Javier Reinaldi
Raúl Willi
Diego Gabriel Salas