The coordinator of the FONTAGRO Project, Dr. Alejandro Radrizzani lectured on “pastures adapted to the region, management and recommendations”. Field trips were organized

The Conference was held in two instances, the first consisted of the dissertations:
"Pastures adapted to the region, management and recommendations" by Dr. Alejandro Radrizzani
"Characterization of livestock breeding systems in the Region" by Mg. Ing. Agr. Catherine Boetto.
The second instance took place at the Hacienda "La Estrella", where Mr. José René Vicens spoke about the methods and pastures that are developed in the establishment under his charge.
The activity was attended by teachers and students from the “Frías” Agrotechnical School; the Agrotechnical School of Alijilán, and teachers and students of the Agronomic Engineering career of the Faculty; the Med. Vet. Piedrasanta from INTA, and Ing. Soledad Barrios, professor at FAyA.
The Ad Hoc Albigasta Association is made up of the following Institutions:
Faculty of Agronomy and Agroindustries – National University of Santiago del Estero
Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Production, Forest Resources, Forestry and Lands of Santiago del Estero through the PROCARNE Program
Undersecretary of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (with the direct participation of the Frías Agrotechnical School)
Secretariat of Production and Tourism of the Municipality of Frías.
National Institute of Agricultural Technology. Agricultural Experimental Station Santiago de Estero
Albigasta Region made up of DIPROSE (Directorate of Sectoral and Special Programs and Projects – Secretariat of Agroindustry – Ministry of Production and Labor of the Nation) to carry out the ITI project (Innovation Transfer Initiative)
Rural Society of Frias
This Association coordinates a proposal that consists of different exhibitions, which will be given under the responsibility of Recognized Professionals in the livestock area. The schedule provides for one meeting per month, which will end in August of the current year, all non-tariff, and intended for Producers, students of Agrotechnical Schools of the Region and related university careers, and the general public.