On February 2022 coordinators of the Fontagro Project "Increase bovine productivity in the South American Chaco", toured the province of Chaco (ARG) meeting with INTA and rural change technicians and visiting groups of producers

From February 14 to 18, Coordinators of the FONTAGRO project "Increased bovine productivity in the South American Chaco", Ings. Agrs. Alejandro Radrizzani (INTA), Pablo Usandivaras (MAGyP) and Héctor Lipshitz (Consultant), toured the province meeting with technicians from INTA and Cambio Rural, visiting groups of producers and explaining the scope, objectives and work methodology. The project includes the entire Chaco region, for which the countries of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay participate. The stated objective is to improve efficiency and the productive, socioeconomic and environmental stability of family systems working with cattle breeding, rearing and fattening in the Chaco region, through incorporation of livestock management and management technologies. The tour was organized by Ing. Agr. Marcelo E. Pamies from EEA INTA Colonia Benítez, together with technicians who will participate in the project in the province.
The implementation is carried out with work in territory jointly with technicians from Cambio Rural, INTA and private advisors who work with livestock producers. First, productive systems are characterized in each agroecological zone of the region to evaluate the limitations and which technological alternatives are relevant. Pilot sites were then established in producer fields to adapt, evaluate and demonstrate the proposed technological alternatives. Using these sites, a training and support program for innovation in livestock is implemented and finally the project proposes a property registration and monitoring system, and evaluates the level of adoption of technological alternatives and their effects on the productivity of the bovine system. .
On Thursday 18th, producers from the towns of Las Palmas, La Leonesa, Margarita Belén and Basail were visited, corresponding to the zone of EEA INTA Colonia Benítez and within the framework of activities proposed in order to promote productive strengthening of the livestock sector; Visits were made to proposed pilot sites and to groups of producers that work in the framework of Cambio Rural program. The objective was to make a first approach to pilot sites proposed as demonstrators of practices in order to implement future technical actions that make it possible to improve the productive, economic and environmental indices in local livestock.
Producers from Las Palmas and La Leonesa, selected as pilot sites, participate in INTA's Local Project 355 for Family Livestock, coordinated by the Veterinary Medicine. Lucia Famin. And other sites are rebuilding their Rural Change groups coordinated by Ing. Agr. Leopold Fernandez.
Specifically referring to Rural Livestock Cambio Rural Groups that work within the framework of FONTAGRO coordinated by the EEA INTA Colonia Benítez, the first visit was made to the Rural Livestock Change group "Vaca Pora", promoted by INTA's Makallé Rural Extension Agency. Here, the producer Don Daniel Bobis, accompanied by other members of the group, welcomed us and presented the work carried out in the establishment. Next, the advisor promoter Méd. Veterinary. José Álvarez Gutiérrez presented the guidelines of the group and individual work plan, commenting on the data obtained and the activities carried out. Then, Ing. Agr. Alejandro Radrizzani coordinator of the FONTAGRO project, explained its scope and the objectives defined in order to strengthen technical actions, the work that is proposed together with the producers and its benefit for the territory. The visit ended with a tour of one of the farms where the mega-thermal pasture trials carried out jointly with INTA technicians were observed.