Honey Diversity

Published at: 13 May 2020

From REDLAC, INTA Argentina, INTA PROAPI and FONTAGRO promote and call for direct and indirect actors in the beekeeping sector to participate with tools such as web pages and social networks

From REDLAC, INTA Argentina, INTA PROAPI and FONTAGRO promote and call for direct and indirect actors in the beekeeping sector to participate with tools such as web pages, social networks, the mass media on the campaign to promote honey. In episode 2 of the campaign series, the topic of differentiating honeys by aromas, colors and tastes is addressed. Consequently, to the great variety of flowers and environments of the Argentine and Latin American Republic, we can say that there are different colors, from light honeys to dark honeys, as well as from liquid and solid honeys. And finally, there are aromas, sweet, salty and bitter or sour as flavors of different honeys from the different geographical areas of the Argentine Republic.


Youtube Link: Episode 2 - Honey Diversity


We invite you to follow the Honey Week on the networks in these spaces

Websites: https://inta.gob.ar/proyectos/apicultura and https://www.redlac-af.org/

Facebook: INTA Proapi - https://www.facebook.com/ProapiArg/

Redlac-af: https://www.facebook.com/redlacaf/

Twitter: INTAProapi - https://twitter.com/INTAProapi

Instagram: inta.apicultura - https://www.instagram.com/inta.apicultura/

You Tube channel: INTA PROAPI - https://bit.ly/INTAPROAPI

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)