Surveying the nutritional status of sown pastures and natural field improvements with forage legumes in Uruguay: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels

Published at: 23 December 2021

In the INIA Uruguay magazine, the note "Survey of the nutritional status of planted pastures and natural field improvements with forage legumes in Uruguay: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels" was published.

This article shows the results of an extensive survey of the NPK nutritional status of forage resources in commercial farms on a country scale. The results highlight the need to carry out fertilizations based on a pasture-to-pasture diagnosis, as well as to carry out a fertilizer management that allows increasing production, reducing costs and avoiding environmental problems.

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Sustainable intensification of livestock systems with legumes
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Webinars 2020
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)