Carbon stock sampling in Chascomús, Argentina

Published at: 04 October 2021

In Argentina, the work team led by the Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), is conducting soil samplings to assess carbon stocks. Due to this, the last week of September they took samples up to 90 cm deep from Argiudoles from the Chascomús district, province of Buenos Aires.

The inclusion of legumes in pastures could lead to increases in the amount of carbon stored in the soil, given by the entry of N into the system through the BNF. That is why one of the objectives of this project is to quantify the C stock in the soil of areas under several years of pasture with and without the presence of legumes, selected in the same types of soil and with the same history of use of the Earth. To meet this objective, INTA researchers took soil samples to evaluate four situations: systems without legumes, pasture systems with a few years under the presence of alfalfa and clover, and systems with the presence of alfalfa and clover for several years. years, in hill positions and lower environments.

Project news

Sustainable intensification of livestock systems with legumes
Internal trainings
Webinars 2020
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)