Beekeeping for development in Chaco

Published at: 01 October 2020

The first two modules of the cycle of conferences on beekeeping for development promoted from the territorial innovation platform for the east of the province of Chaco, organized and led by INTA Colonia Benitez, finished.

The first two modules of the cycle of conferences on beekeeping for development, promoted by the territorial innovation platform for the east of the province of Chaco, organized and led by INTA Colonia Benitez - INTA PROAPI, REDLAC and FONTAGRO, culminated. It had four modules: the Technological Path and honey flora, UDA extension tools, business management, added value and marketing.

The first module was focused on the knowledge of the Technological Path (ST) of INTA PROAPI, in charge of the Agronomist Carlos Cabrera of INTA PROAPI - EEA Salta - AER - JV González, Dr. Cristina Salgado of the National University of the Northeast (UNNE) and director of the Beekeeping Technique for the Meliferous flora of the Chaco and the Promoter - Advisor Daniel Codutti who presented results on the implementation of the TS in the Rural Change Group "Healthy Wetlands" and also explained the organic honey protocol of the territory.

The second module was focused on the extension tools that are available in beekeeping, which is why it was discussed on the apicultural demonstration units (UDA) and extension and research projects and on the organic UDA. Ing. Agr. Horacio Castignani and Tec. Apic. German Masciangelo from INTA Rafaela and INTA PROAPI presented the visualizer and operation of the UDAs. The second dissertation was in charge of Dr. Salegado Cristina and Sandra Sobrado who spoke about the extension and research projects of the UNNE in relation to the strengthening of the beekeeping sector of southeast Chaqueño, in the year 20118 Beekeeping sustainability of the Chaco Wetlands and in 2019 Humeles de Humedales: Floristic Potential and Quality. Finally, the Advisor Promoter Daniel Codutti presented the results and progress of the last 4 years of the Organic Demonstration Unit "Don Remigio" belonging to the INTA of Colonia Benitez.


Another fact about virtual training is that the interested parties were not only from Argentina, but also 14 countries participated, these being (Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Spain, USA, Panama, Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Venezuela).

The conference cycle is organized by the interdisciplinary team of beekeeping and Native Bee without Stinger (ANSA) of the EEA Colonia Benitez and the Rural Change Program of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Argentine Nation.

In the following links you can enjoy all the beekeeping education and training modules for the Argentine Chaco

Module 1: Development Tools

Module 2: UDAs Extension Tools and Extension Projects

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)