
Henry Antonio
Pacheco Gil


Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (2011/ Universidad Central de Venezuela), Master in Physical Geography (2001/ Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, UPEL), Professor of Earth Sciences (1994/ UPEL). He was part of the ordinary academic staff of UPEL (Caracas, Venezuela), performing as a teacher/researcher attached to the Department of Earth Sciences (DCT) and at the Research Center for Venezuelan Physical Environment Studies (CIEMEFIVE) of the IPC institution that served for 20 consecutive years (1995-2015). He reached the category of adjunct Professor with Exclusive Dedication and held the head of the Chair of Geodesy; he was Coordinator of the Earth Sciences Academic Program, Head of the DCT, and coordinator of the master's degree in physical geography. In Venezuela, he was a member of the Program Stimulus to Innovation and Research (PEII) of the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology, and Innovation (MPPCTI) for 14 years (2000-2014). PROMETHEUS researcher linked to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SENESCYT) (Ecuador), August 2014 to September 2015. As of 2015, he is Principal Professor and Full-Time Ordinary Researcher at the Technical University of Manabí (UTM) in Portoviejo (Ecuador), attached to the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. This institution performs functions as a Member of the Scientific Council, Research Coordinator, and Member of the Publications Board. In 2016 he was recognized, accredited, and categorized as Researcher in Aggregate Category II by the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SENESCYT) (Ecuador). He has been the tutor of several undergraduate research projects and postgraduate thesis (Master's and Doctorate).

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)