


Ph.D. in Ecosystems and Agronomic Sciences (2013/ Université de Montpellier-Francia), Master in Biological Sciences (2008/ Universidad Simón Bolívar - Venezuela), biologist (2002/ Universidad de Los Andes – Venezuela). Expertise researcher and Tutor of Terrestrial Ecosystem Restoration (INTEVEP – Venezuela, 2004-2018). Director of the Institute for Training and Research on Health and Environment Coordinator and Professor of the Masters in Ecology and Hydrocarbons (UVH-Venezuela, 2014-2018). Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and coordinator of the research Group on Agroecosystems and Climate Change (UTM-Ecuador, since 2018). Coordinator and teacher of the Master of Research in Agroecology and Climate Change (UTM-Ecuador, 2019-present). Coordinator of national and international environmental and climate change projects (Venezuela, France, Spain, Canada). Credited as a researcher at the SENESCYT-Ecuador since 2018. Head of the Research Committee of the Sustainable Urban Development Network Manabi - REDUS (since 2020). I have been a visiting professor at several national and international universities (Venezuela, Ecuador, France).

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)