This virtual platform of international collaboration allows bringing scientific teams from Latin America and the Caribbean with others from around the world, as well as with entrepreneurs, and other co-financing agencies that share the same objective of developing technological solutions for the future agriculture and food.

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Innovation and intensification for the adaptation to climate change of extensive family farming

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) Argentina, Perú Climate change, Family agriculture

Increase adaptive capacity and resilience of family system’s extensive livestock production of Argentina and Perú, facing climate change, innovating in the integral improvement of the systems. Specific objectives are a) Promote innovation in demonstrative producer’s establishments in four regions of Argentina and Perú, to improve their way of life and the adaptation of their systems to climate change. b) Expand the experience to over 500 neighboring producers who could benefit from the acquired innovations. c) Link products generated from these systems to regional markets through short commercial circuits and d) Create a regional platform for exchanging experiences.

Collaboration platform for the use of new technologies in water management for agriculture 2030-2050

INIA CHILE Chile Water resources in agriculture

This initiative proposes to diminish the economic losses associated to the inaccurate management of water resources in the agriculture of LAC countries. The effects of climate change and the lack of modern technologies for irrigation threaten the agricultural sector which in the last decade contributed around 5% of GDP, concentrates to 16% of the employed population and represents about 23% of regional exports. In addition, agricultural activities in the region are fundamental for food security, contribute to economic dynamism, and constitute a fundamental source of subsistence for the population in rural areas, which in Latin America represents 22% of the total population.

Cacao multiagency platform for Latin America and the Caribbean “Cacao 2030-2050”

Escuela Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL Alemania, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Italia, Panamá, Perú Cadmio en Cacao

Generate alternatives to decrease at least 5% of the concentration of cadmium levels in soil, which will benefit 150,000 farmers, and will be reflected in the reduction of the risk to human health, by consuming products contaminated with this heavy metal.

Bovine Leukosis Platform

INTA Argentina Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá, Uruguay Animal health

This initiative proposes to reduce the economic losses provoked by the Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in dairy farms, estimated in US$ 300 million in Argentina, 2,600 million in Latin America and 5,600 million when globally considered.